Utah Schools, Commercial Brands & Real Estate Photography
School Portraits
Commercial Brand Photography
About Lee

Who Am I?
I am the mom of 5. A lover of the gospel of Jesus Christ. A dancer. And I deeply enjoy cream.
Ice Cream. Sour Cream. Cream Cheese. Clotted Cream. Whipping Cream.
My family is my heart song; my life is full of laughter, light and a few struggles because I am mom.
The greatest gift I have is my faith in the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Because of Him, I have never been alone in this journey to raise my children.
Because of Him, I am able to use photography to support my family.
Being a single parent has taught me that time is a commodity that needs to be treated with care.
In business, I strive to be efficient and to make working together easy for everyone.
Simple system. Simple pricing. Simple options.
I have been into photography since the days of film. I had a dream to have a dark room when I grew up. Now I do!. . . sort of. It is called Lightroom/Photoshop. I also have a fun collection of old film cameras.
Ice Cream Fanatic
Klondike Oreo ice cream sandwiches are my favorite ice cream novelty. They are NOT available in Utah. Don't fall for the "Oreo" brand, they are simply not satisfying. My children thought I had made up this delicious treat until I was able to take them to California. If it's not Klondike, it's not the real thing.
Unpopular Opinion
There is no such thing as breakfast food! Eat what you would like when you like. My mom was a nurse as I was growing up. She worked crazy schedules, as such, steak was a common breakfast food in our home.
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